Tuesday, December 09, 2008

I like to crumble.

mini crumbles.

Last night my sweet tooth was really hoping for something sweet, tart, yummy.. I spotted a bag of fresh cranberries I had grabbed as an extra during thanksgiving that I had put in the freezer. I grabbed that, sugar, flour.. all the loving ingredients of a fruit crumble. I actually started out attempting cranberry cupcakes but the dough ended up too heavy so I went for a crumble and it turned out amazing.. oh, the perfect amount of tart dancing with an equally perfect sweet.. and since I had cupcakes as my plan a - I had already made icing but toned it down to a drizzle for the crumble.. brown sugar cinnamon clove icing.. added a hint of cream cheese for richness and to break the spices a bit.. It was one of the BEST desserts I have ever made on a whim.. and ridiculously easy and non time consuming.. (well, if you aren't taking pics every other min..)

I'm having some as we speak, with a late night cup of joe. Have a great Wednesday, all.