Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday Love

What is it about Saturdays? Actually, what isn't it about Saturdays? They are your first relief from a busy week, they can be a slow or a productive day, or a bit of both, they can be an indulgent day, they are a day to either sleep in til noon or get up bright and early and make the day as long as possible.. to me, there is such a good feeling in the air when I wake up on

Here's how the day went..

Got up at my normal 8:30ish and started cleaning then settled in with my iced coffee, read a few of my favorite blogs, took the dog for her walk, re-did the blog banner with the help of the very talented Boy, had great conversation, had a wonderful lunch, again thanks to Boy, took a fantastic and I mean fantastic nap..danced in the shower with Boy to Michael Buble & Sinatra (sometimes I think we really are city folk at heart), started watching Shutter Island which we stopped half way thru to make one of my absolute favorite dishes of Boys'... his Cappelletti pasta... *quiver* - it's not for the faint of heart and dieters beware, this ain't your dish. Ok, back to the movie and the divine food that awaits me!

I cut all my hair off, aaah that feels better...


sweetlife said...

coffee and almond true love
love the hair


erica said...

Your hair looks fabulous!!! I am totally loving it!!! The eats look delish too!
